Cedar Creek Lake Poker Run
Saturday, July 21st - Poker Run Registration – Boondocks – 10 AM to Noon - Come on out buy your poker run hands, buy poker run merchandise, renew your membership in the club or if not a member join, buy raffle tickets and enjoy meeting and mingling with 200 or 300 hundred great people!
Poker Run Winners announced, raffle winner drawn, and best dressed crew announced – after Live Auction
Poker Run Stops from 11:30 AM to 4 PM
Poker Run Party at Tom Finley Park from 4 PM to 9 PM
The Bad Monkeys playing from 4 PM until 7 PM
Poker Hands opened from 4 PM until 7 PM
Silent Auction from 4 PM until 7 PM- We are proud to partner with The Cedar Creek Lake Parrot Head Club for this event!
Raffle Tickets sold for Booze Barrel 4 PM until 7 PM
Live Auction 7 PM
Poker hands are easy but playing other poker full tables are difficult that's the reason i left playing poker and bet always on william bentick as he plays it well.